They work for Kurdish for 10 years 2024-05-14 12:13:51   AMED - Mezopotamya Foundation has carried out many studies for the standardization of Kurdish and Kurdish folklore for 10 years.   Mezopotamya Foundation announced its establishment in Amed on May 16, 2013, with the aim of "establishing a multilingual university where people can receive education in their mother languages". The foundation has carried out many studies since its establishment. It has published "Folklor û Ziman" and "Folklora Me" magazines and also published many books for the standardization and development of Kurdish. The names of the books published are as follows: "Rêbera Rastnivîsînê", "Rêzimana Mela Mehmûdê Bazîdîyî - Rîsaleyî Tû fetu'l-Xîlän Fi Zimanê Kurdan", "Meryemnîgarê", "Kûçikê Daleqandî", "Duzimanî Zarok û Perwerdehî”, “Kêşana Karên Kurdî”, “Rahênanên Zimanê Kurdî”, “Rostemê Zal û Selmanê Sindî”, “Çîrokên Rovîyan”, “Senem Xanim”, “Kurdîzan-1” and “Ferhenga Têgihên Hiqûqê”    PANELS, SEMINAR, WORKSHOPS   In addition to the foundation's book and magazine studies, "Folklore Terminology Study", "Oral Culture and Folklore Products Compilation Workshops", "Nation Building, Language and Standardization of Languages (Kurdish Standardization)", "Methods and Techniques for Compiling Oral Culture and Folklore Products" and its organized many panels and seminars titled "Child and Mother Language Education in Education". It also carried out studies on "Linguistic Terms", "Standardization", "Kurdish Spelling Guide", "Kurdish Spelling Dictionary" and "Kurdish Legal Terms".   The Foundation plans to organize a reception at the İskenderpaşa Mansion in the Sur district on May 15, Kurdish Language Day.   STANDARDIZATION STUDY   Mezopotamya Foundation Board Member Bahoz Baran spoke about their work. Stating that they have been working continuously in the field of both language and Kurdish folklore for years, Baran said that they especially focused on standardization studies for Kurdish. Stating that they also focused on the terminology of issues such as law, education and medicine, Baran said: "Because unfortunately, none of our institutions have worked on these issues collectively until now. Our work on these issues continues with participants from all over Kurdistan."   Pointing out that the products that are not compiled in the field of language and folklore within the society are lost over time, Baran said: "Our folklore is very strong, but unfortunately it is limited to being oral and has not been compiled. In fact, things that are not compiled, written down, and not visible. We also heard and learned our heritage orally. We must record this legacy. We have been recording compilers for years. We have magazines called 'Folklora Ziman' and 'Folklora Me'. We are in the field, we are in the villages, but it is not enough. There should also be a Kurdish language and folklore institution."   10 YEARS OF WORK   The Foundation also made a documentary about the work they have been carrying out in the field for 10 years. Baran said: "We have left 10 years behind and are entering our 11th year. So, since we have done so much work, we decided to make a documentary about our work. We met with people we have been working with for a year, linguists, folklorists and researchers. We looked at our archives and saw that a lot had accumulated."    Pointing out that they will organize a reception on the Kurdish Language Day, "We invite everyone who follows our work and is interested in Kurdish to our reception. In this way, we will review our work together and then continue where we left off" Baran said.