DEM Party member Aslan asked for information about Ocalan after the Gemlik earthquake

  • actual
  • 21:54 19 February 2024
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NEWS CENTER - DEM Party member Newroz Uysal Aslan wanted the public to be informed about whether there was any damage to Imralı Prison due to the earthquake in Gemlik today.
An earthquake occurred in Bursa's Gemlik district today at 10.45. Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) announced the magnitude of the earthquake as 3.5.
Following the earthquake, Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Şirnex Deputy Newroz Uysal Aslan shared a post drawing attention to the situation of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who held in isolation in Imralı Type F High Security Prison.
Aslan reminded the research proposal they submitted to the Parliament as a party after the 5.1 magnitude earthquake that occurred in the Gemlik Bay of the Marmara Sea on December 4, 2023. Stating that their proposals regarding some warnings and precautions they wanted to be taken have still not been responded to, Aslan demanded that the public be informed about whether there was any damage in Imralı Prison after the last earthquake.
Aslan wrote the following in her post from her X account:
“We had warned before about the earthquake in Gemlik. The second one happened today and still neither our proposal has been answered nor the necessary precautions have been taken. The public should be informed about whether there was any damage in Imralı Prison after the earthquake.”
DEM Party MPs asked the following questions in the proposal they submitted to the Parliament to obtain information about Ocalan after the first earthquake in Gemlik:
"* Do you plan to alleviate the concerns of families and millions of people who are worried about the lives and safety of their relatives in prison after the earthquake?
* Do you intend to fulfill your political and legal responsibility to end the hunger strikes that started in 104 prisons due to the isolation imposed in a prison that we think is affiliated with your Ministry and became widespread with the participation of other prisons in the protests?
* What is the situation of Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, who has not been heard from for 33 months and whose health and safety are feared?
* Was there any damage to İmralı Prison after the Gemlik earthquake?
* Why are communication rights of prisoners in Imralı, which must be exercised immediately and cannot be prevented in any way, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 66 of the Law on the Execution of Penal and Security Measures and paragraph b of Article 74 of the Regulation on the Management of Penal Institutions and the Execution of Penal and Security Measures, blocked? What is the legal basis for this?
* Will you put an end to the inhumane isolation practice in specially designed prisons where the law does not apply?