Condemnation from women for isolation: Everyone should oppose

  • women
  • 16:12 21 November 2023
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ŞIRNEX - Condemning the absolute isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, women from Botan called for "struggle" from all segments of society to end the isolation.
While there has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in severe isolation conditions in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, for 32 months, people continue to take to the streets for Abdullah Öcalan's freedom and express their reactions against the isolation.
Emphasizing the importance of ensuring the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Şirin Demir said: "Öcalan's freedom expresses the freedom of oppressed peoples. We are being isolated in the person of Öcalan. How much longer will we be under pressure and oppressed? Everyone needs to put aside all their work and fight to break the isolation."
Drawing attention that the isolation escalates the war, Nafya Küçük, one of the women said: "We do not accept this isolation and we want this isolation to be lifted. Like everyone else, we want our rights and our mother tongue. Today, those who say they are Kurds are arrested, but I am not a Turk, I am a Kurd."
Piroze Deniz noted that Turkey's impasse stems from severe isolation. Zeynep Yılmaz also said: "Kurds must stand up now. If Apo is released, this war will stop and peace will come."
Behiye Özgür demanded that the isolation of Öcalan end and said: "Are we going to be persecuted until the end of time? Özgür called on everyone to fight against isolation."
Nafiye Kurt called on every Kurd to fulfill their duties and responsibilities against isolation and said: “We do not accept this isolation against Mr. Öcalan. Everyone with a conscience should raise their voice against isolation. How long will we remain isolated and under control? Everyone must stand up and oppose. Esmer Çokmaz, on the other hand, drew attention that peace could be possible by opening the gates of İmralı and said: “This isolation is also carried out against the Kurdish people. People want this isolation to end. When isolation ends, there will be peace and reconciliation. As the isolation increases, the war deepens. We are waiting for peace, and peace is in İmralı."