Berwari: Goal of Turkey is invasion

NEWS CENTER - Doctor Kamuran Berwarî said that Turkey is targeting the invasion with attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region and said: "This is the problem of the whole Kurdistan."
Turkey's attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region continue. Finally, hundreds of Turkish military armored vehicles were shipped to the region via the city of Amediye, and then a checkpoint was established by Turkish soldiers. Doctor Kamuran Berwarî, Vice President of the Academy of Democracy and Politics, made evaluations about all these developments to Hawar News Agency.
Stating that Turkey has changed its attack management against the Federated Kurdistan Region, Doctor Kamuran Berwari said, “The Turkish state has not achieved what it aimed for so far. The attacks, which had been continuing since 1983, remained for a few days and withdrew. Or they were bombing some places with dozens of warplanes. However, now they want to directly occupy the lands of Southern Kurdistan. They not only moved soldiers and gangs to Southern Kurdistan, but also set up checkpoints here, checking citizens' identities, distributing brochures for espionage purposes, and giving them 24 hours to evacuate the villages in the region. The Turkish state sees Bashur as a part of Turkish territory and is attempting to establish its sovereignty in these lands."
"Iraq sees itself as weak against the Turkish state," said Berwari, adding that the Baghdad Government has not taken an attitude to defend Iraq's territorial integrity so far.
Stating that there is a secret agreement, Berwarî said: “In my opinion, there is a secret agreement to occupy the Southern Kurdistan region. According to the agreement, after the occupation, the Turkish state will withdraw from some regions and some regions will remain under occupation. This plan was made for the Southern Kurdistan region and its status."
Dr. Kamuran Berwari drew attention to possible scenarios and said: “If Iraq spreads across the border of the region, citing Turkey as an excuse; If it controls the border with Turkey, then Bashur's military power and government will have no meaning. The Federa aims to put the constitution to a referendum for Iraq, which is trying to eliminate the Kurdistan Region.
Berwarî said: "After Turkey's visits to Hewler and Baghdad, they planned to design Southern Kurdistan between Turkey and Iraq. If Turkey enters the lands of Iraq and Southern Kurdistan, it will not retreat again. In the first stage, the Turkish state can occupy Mosul, Duhok, Sîlemanî, Hewlêr, Kirkuk, Diyala and Selehedîn by justifying the PKK. If such a step is taken, it will move towards invading all of Iraq in the second stage. This is a strategic plan of the Turkish state." 
Emphasizing that Turkey cannot carry out any attack without the permission and knowledge of international forces, KDP and Iraq, Berwari said: “International forces, Iraq, Iran and the government of Bashur Kurdistan are aware of the attacks on the region. The silence of Iraq and Southern Kurdistan against the Turkish invasion is a sign of collaboration. The easy entry of Turkish state soldiers into the territory of Southern Kurdistan reveals that there is an alliance and compromise between Turkish, Iraqi and KDP soldiers." 
Drawing attention to the attitude of the people of the region towards the occupation attacks, Dr. Kamuran Berwari emphasized that 46 million people, consisting of different components living in Iraq, will not easily surrender their lands to the Turkish state and its paramilitary groups.
Pointing out that KDP has come to the point of surrendering the Federated Kurdistan Region and its people to the Turkish state, Berwari said: “Our patriotic people of Southern Kurdistan should not forget that they resisted Saddam's Baath regime for days. The people of Bashur should not remain silent against these practices, they should come to the areas. The attitude of all our people of Kurdistan should be within this framework. Because this situation is not just a problem of an organization or institution, it is a problem of the whole Kurdistan.”