ÖHD and DEM Party apply for annulment of trustee decision


WAN - ÖHD and DEM Party Law Commission applied to Van Administrative Court for the annulment of the decision to appoint a trustee to Colemêrg Municipality. 

Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) and Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Law and Human Rights Commission applied to Van Administrative Court for the annulment of the appointment of a trustee to replace Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) Co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış. After the application, a statement was made in front of the courthouse. Democratic Regions Party (DBP), DEM Party Wan provincial co-chairs, ÖHD Co-Chair Ekin Yeter, DEM Party Law and Human Rights Commission Co-Speaker Sevda Özçelik Bingöl, Wan Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Neslihan Şedal, Wan and Colemêrg Bar Presidents and many people attended the statement.
The applicants stated that they will follow the process and emphasized that they do not accept the trustee regime.